The Implicit Reference to Parameters programming strategy

The Implicit Reference to Parameters (IRP) method was first introduced by François Colonna in the paper IRP programming : an efficient way to reduce inter-module coupling. Here, we only give a practical overview of the main ideas, but the reader is encouraged to read the original paper.

A scientific program (or sub-program) is a complicated function of its data. One can represent the program as a tree whose root is the output and whose leaves are the data. The nodes are the intermediate variables, and the edges represent the needs/needed_by relationships.

Let us consider a program which computes t( u(d1,d2), v(u(d3,d4), w(d5)) ) with

u(x)   = x + y + 1
v(x)   = x + y + 2
w(x)   = x + 3
t(x,y) = x + y + 4

This program can be represented with the following tree:

Writing the program in Fortran would require the programmer to have this tree in mind:

program compute_t
    implicit none

    integer :: d1, d2, d3, d4 d5  ! Input data
    integer :: u1, u2, v, w, t    ! Computed entities

    call read_data(d1,d2,d3,d4,d5)

    call compute_u(d1,d2,u1)
    call compute_u(d3,d4,u2)
    call compute_w(d5,w)
    call compute_v(u2,w,v)
    call compute_t(u1,v,t)

    write(*,*), "t=", t

end program

This way of programming is imperative, which is the natural way to write Fortran : the programmer tells the machine how its internal state will change by giving step-by-step instructions. If the instructions are not given in the proper order, the program is wrong. Therefore, at each line the programmer has to be aware of the full state of the program, which results from the needs/needed_by relationships of the variables. Imperative programming explores the tree from the leaves to the root.

The same program can be written using the functional programming paradigm. Instead of telling the machine what to do, we can express what we want. Considering the program this way explores the tree from the root to the leaves.

program compute_t
    implicit none

    integer :: d1, d2, d3, d4 d5        ! Input data
    integer, external :: u, u, v, w, t  ! Functions

    call read_data(d1,d2,d3,d4,d5)

    write(*,*), "t=", t( u(d1,d2), v( u(d3,d4), w(d5) ) )

end program

Now, the needs/needed_by relationships between the entities are expressed by calling function t. The programmer doesn't handle any more the order in which the instructions will be executed : we don't known which one u(d3,d4) and w(d5) will be executed first. However, the global knowledge of the tree is still required to write this program.

In order to get rid of the global knowledge of the tree, we will transform it into local knowledge, which is much easier to handle. For each entity, we will only express the other needed entities:

  • t -- needs --> u1 and v
  • u1 -- needs --> d1 and d2
  • v -- needs --> u2 and w
  • u2 -- needs --> d3 and d4
  • w -- needs --> d5

It appears now that the arguments of the functions are not variables but parameters. In that case, we can put the parameters inside the functions, as they will always be the same.

program compute_t
    implicit none
    integer, external :: t
    write(*,*), "t=", t()
end program

integer function t()
    implicit none
    integer, external :: u1, v
    t = u1() + v() + 4

integer function w()
    implicit none
    integer :: d1,d2,d3,d4,d5
    call read_data(d1,d2,d3,d4,d5)
    w = d5+3

integer function v()
    implicit none
    integer, external :: u2, w
    v = u2() + w() + 2

integer function u1()
    implicit none
    integer :: d1,d2,d3,d4,d5
    integer, external :: f_u
    call read_data(d1,d2,d3,d4,d5)
    u1 = f_u(d1,d2)

integer function u2()
    implicit none
    integer :: d1,d2,d3,d4,d5
    integer, external :: f_u
    call read_data(d1,d2,d3,d4,d5)
    u2 = f_u(d3,d4)

integer function f_u(x,y)
    implicit none
    integer, intent(in)  :: x,y
    f_u = x+y+1

subroutine read_data(d1,d2,d3,d4,d5)
    implicit none
    integer, intent(out) :: d1,d2,d3,d4,d5
    print *,  'd1,d2,d3,d4,d5 ?'
    read (*,*) d1,d2,d3,d4,d5

Now, the program automatically builds the tree and explores it. The programmer doesn't have to handle the execution of the code any more. However, there are a few aspects that can be improved. First, we have to write many empty parentheses () which make the code less readable. Secondly, we have to declare the return type of these functions every time we use them. Finally there is a major drawback: here, the data (d1...d5) is read three times because there is no way to know that it has already been read. These last points can all be easily addressed. Indeed, if a function is a pure function (with no side effects), calling the function with the same values as arguments will always return the same value. In our program, the functions have no arguments, so we only need to build once the return value and cache it for subsequent calls. This mechanism is known as memoization.

For each node we write a builder, which is a subroutine that builds a valid value of an entity (according to the equations given at the beginning of this section).

subroutine build_t(x,y,result)
    implicit none
    integer, intent(in)  :: x, y
    integer, intent(out) :: result
    result = x + y + 4
end subroutine build_t

subroutine build_w(x,result)
    implicit none
    integer, intent(in)  :: x
    integer, intent(out) :: result
    result = x + 3
end subroutine build_w

subroutine build_v(x,y,result)
    implicit none
    integer, intent(in)  :: x, y
    integer, intent(out) :: result
    result = x + y + 2
end subroutine build_v

subroutine build_u(x,y,result)
    implicit none
    integer, intent(in)  :: x, y
    integer, intent(out) :: result
    result = x + y + 1
end subroutine build_u

subroutine build_d(d1,d2,d3,d4,d5)
    implicit none
    integer, intent(out) :: d1,d2,d3,d4,d5
    read(*,*) d1,d2,d3,d4,d5

Then, we write a provider for each entity. A provider is a subroutine with no input arguments whose role is to prepare a valid value of an entity. It calls the providers of the needed entities, calls the builder of the desired entity, saves the computed value in a cache and then marks the quantity as built. The next calls to the provider will return the cached value.

Before writing the providers, we need to create a global variable for each node of the tree, as well as a flag to mark it as built. For convenience, we shall put all of them in a Fortran module nodes:

module nodes

    ! Nodes
    integer :: u1
    logical :: u1_is_built = .False.

    integer :: u2
    logical :: u2_is_built = .False.

    integer :: v
    logical :: v_is_built  = .False.

    integer :: w
    logical :: w_is_built  = .False.

    integer :: t
    logical :: t_is_built  = .False.

    ! Leaves
    integer :: d1, d2, d3, d4, d5
    logical :: d_is_built  = .False.

end module
subroutine provide_t
    use nodes
    implicit none
    if (.not.t_is_built) then
        call provide_u1
        call provide_v
        call build_t(u1,v,t)
        t_is_built = .True.
end subroutine provide_t

subroutine provide_w
    use nodes
    implicit none
    if (.not. w_is_built) then
        call provide_d
        call build_w(d5,w)
        w_is_built = .True.
end subroutine provide_w

subroutine provide_v
    use nodes
    implicit none
    if (.not. v_is_built) then
        call provide_u2
        call provide_w
        call build_v(u2,w,v)
        v_is_built = .True.
end subroutine provide_v

subroutine provide_u1
    use nodes
    implicit none
    if (.not. u1_is_built) then
        call provide_d
        call build_u(d1,d2,u1)
        u1_is_built = .True.
end subroutine provide_u1

subroutine provide_u2
    use nodes
    implicit none
    if (.not. u2_is_built) then
        call provide_d
        call build_u(d3,d4,u2)
end subroutine provide_u2

subroutine provide_d
    use nodes
    implicit none
    if (.not. d_is_built) then
        call build_d(d1,d2,d3,d4,d5)
        d_is_built = .True.

And the main program is just

program test
    use nodes
    implicit none
    call provide_t
    print *,  "t=", t
end program

The rules are simple:

  1. Each entity has only one builder and only one provider
  2. The arguments of the builder are the values of the needed entities.
  3. Calling a provider always guarantees that the entity of interest is valid after the provider has been called

Applying rigorously these rules makes the development of large codes as easy as for smaller codes.