Helping features


Assertions are boolean expressions that must be true, to check the runtime behavior of the program. Assertions can be introduced with ASSERT keyword:

BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer, u2 ]
  call compute_u(d3,d4,u2)
  ASSERT (u2 < d3)

In this particular example, if u2 < u3 nothing happens. If u2 >= u3, then the program fails:

Stack trace:            0
u2: Assert failed:
 file: uvwt.irp.f, line: 23
(u2 < d3)
u2 =            8
d3 =            3


Assertions are activated by using irpf90 -a. If the -a option is not present, all the assertions are discarded.


Templates is a very useful feature of many languages. IRPF90 provides a simple way to write templates to generate similar providers and functions. The template is defined in the BEGIN_TEMPLATE ... END_TEMPLATE block. The first section of the block contains the template code, in which template variables are used prefixed with a dollar sign. Then the SUBST keyword defines the template variables to substitute, and multiple substitution definition lines are given. The substitution definitions are separated by two semi-colons (;;), and within a substitution definition the variable substitutions are separated by one semi-colon (;).


  BEGIN_PROVIDER [ $type , $name ]
   call find_in_input('$name', $name)

  logical function $name_is_zero()
    $name_is_zero = ($name == 0)
  end function

SUBST [ type, name ]

  integer    ;   size_tab1 ;;
  integer    ;   size_tab2 ;;
  real       ;   distance  ;;
  real       ;   x         ;;
  real       ;   y         ;;
  real       ;   z         ;;


In this example, type and name are the template variables, referenced as $type and $name in the first block. Six providers and functions will be generated :

  • replacing $type with integer and name with size_tab1
  • replacing $type with integer and name with size_tab2
  • replacing $type with real and name with distance
  • replacing $type with real and name with x
  • replacing $type with real and name with y
  • replacing $type with real and name with z

Augmented assignment operators

These patterns are very frequent in scientific applications:

  • a = a + b
  • a = a * b

If a has a very explicit name, this pattern can give:

my_very_explicit_name(dim1,dim2,dim3) =  my_very_explicit_name(dim1,dim2,dim3) & 
  + b*c - d

Such constructs are not optimal:

  • The name of the variable is long, so the line has to be split and the code is less readable
  • The programmer is likely to make a typo by typing twice a very long variable name. This is likely to be caught by the compiler.
  • When the programmer modifies a dimension in the left member, he has to modify it accordingly in the right member. Such errors will not be caught by the compiler.

Augmented assignment operators cure these problems by allowing the programmer to write:

my_very_explicit_name(dim1,dim2,dim3) +=  b*c - d

IRPF90 introduces three operators: +=, -=, and *=. Divisions could not be added since /= already means "not equal". To divide using an augmented assignment operator, *= 1. / can be used to multiply by the inverse.

Embedded shell scripts

When a programmer writes code, the input comes from the keyboard. With IRPF90 it is possible to define sections where the input is not the keyboard but it comes from the output of script that will be executed at compile time. This is achieved with BEGIN_SHELL ... END_SHELL blocks. Any scripting language can be used.

This example will use Bash to generate code that will print the date when the program was compiled:

program test
  BEGIN_SHELL [ /bin/bash ]
cat << EOF | sed 's/\(.*\)/echo "\1\"/g'
    print *, 'Compiled by `whoami` on `date`'
    print *, '$PWD'
    print *, '$(hostname)'
$ ./test
 Compiled by scemama on Wed Feb 4 22:27:46 CET 2015

Another example generates 100 functions with Python:

BEGIN_SHELL [ /usr/bin/python ]
for i in range(100):
    print """
       double precision function times_%d(x)
         double precision, intent(in) :: x
         times_%d = x*%d

Conditional compilation

In IRPF90, the C preprocessor can't really be used, as the produced Fortran files may not have everything in the same order as the *.irp.f files. Instead, IRPF90 provides the IRP_IF ... IRP_ELSE ... IRP_ENDIF keywords to enable conditional compilation.

IRP_IF new_feature

  print *, 'New feature'
  call new_feature()


  print *, 'Old feature'
  call old_feature()


To generate the program with the old feature, just run irpf90 as usual. If you want to activate the new feature instead, use irpf90 -Dnew_feature. Multiple -D options can be given in the command line

Integration in Vim

When running irpf90, two files are created for the interaction with vim:

  • the $HOME/.vim/syntax/irpf90.vim file
  • a tags file in the current directory

The first file is a syntax file for syntax highlighting. It extends the standard Fortran file to color the additional keywords of IRPF90. It also adds two features : hitting K when the cursor is on the name of an IRP entity displays its man page, and hitting = on a group lines selected with <Shift>-V auto-indents the code. However, auto-indentation is to be used outside of BEGIN_SHELL ... END_SHELL blocks, especially for embedded Python scripts.

The tags file is similar to the file created with the ctags utility when programming in C. The presence of this file allows vim to jump automatically on the definitions of providers, functions and subroutines. For instance, inside vim, :tag u1 jumps to the provider of u1. Another option is to place your cursor on an IRP entity somewhere where it is used and hit <CTRL>-] to jump on its definition. To come back where you were, hit <CTRL>-T.